Friday, December 10, 2004

Wooden Shoes

Today I was reminded of a song that I learned when I was a little boy,

Oh wooden shoes,
wooden shoes
walking down the avenue
like the little children do,
do in Amsterdam.

I just learned that SEX AND THE SECOND CITY was mentioned in Watson's Big Adventure. Its a new blog by a young twink (what's a twink?) whippersnapper currently living in Amsterdam who is on the road to discovering his sexuality in the backdrop of, "Bright Lights, Big City"--albeit Netherlands style.

Sex in European cities has never really been "all that" to me. On my way to eastern Africa, I had the opportunity to visit London--and the guys had a sense of style, fashion, and flair that made Chicagoans look like farmboys. But fortunately, Chicago sits on the edge of a great (actually, more like HUGE) body of freshwater called Lake Michigan, which is the region's freshwater source (where I drink from everyday). So why, you might ask, do I say we're fortunate that we live on Lake Michigan? Because as the water from Lake Michigan is purified and cleansed, so that it meets the lowest of minimal drinking standards, a little known element from the periodic chart is added--Flouride.

Yes Amsterdam, yeah London, you might outdress the Chicago boys, but we have better teeth. What's the point of looking cute if I can't kiss you?

Back to Chicago and James in the next posting!


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