Friday, December 31, 2004

Happy New Year of the Sex (part 1)

It's New Year's Eve. What an exciting moment of the year. Now a lot of blogs are looking back on the year--and telling you their opinion of what they think are the best movies, music etc. But who really cares? No one cares that I thought Kill Bill Vol.2, (ok get ready to gasp) The Village, and Saw (Danny Glover's in it) were three of the best movies of the year. But what about Hero or the The House of Flying Daggers?

Like-What the fuck to do on New Year's Eve. DEE and ALBERTO (see who's who) are in fucking Germany. And I am here in Chicago.

"Hey," I thought to myself, "I am in Chicago. What the fuck am I thinking, what is there to do? What isn't there to do?"

So I started thinking. I had heard recently that most people are alone and at home on New Year's Eve-not out partying. I was watching Fox News (of all channels) and they were talking about how to deal with New Year's Eve. They suggested:
  1. Don't Panic
  2. Don't compare your New Year's Eve to others
  3. Do your own thing
  4. Create a new tradition

Then I remembered someone saying that you should start the New Year how you would like to end it. I started thinking to myself: "Hmm. Do my own thing. Create a new tradition. Start the year how I want to finish it. How do I want to end (and remember) 2005?" It only took me a second to realize it. I wanted to remember 2005 as the Year of the Sex. So how to start the year? Have a party of course. A sex party.

So earlier this week, I enlisted the help of FRIEND and started sending out notices on the Internet (chat rooms, web sites, etc) to have a sex party.

No, I am not trying to make any money (though I need it). I decided to have a FREE sex party--a BLATINO (black and latino) NEW YEAR'S EVE BANG. What's so crazy is how demanding people are when you are organizing FREE shit for them. I ask them to send a pic, they get attitude "What do I need to send a pic for?" Then they want to ask you 50 questions, "Are the guys going to be tight? I don't want to come to a party where the kats are lame" or "How many people are coming to the party?" Just a lot of lame shit. So a lot of people didn't get invitations. Afterall its free. If you have attitude or can't follow simple fucking instructions--then you don't need to be there.

I even had a guy get an attitude with me because I wasn't allowing unsafe sex at the party. I'll post that mess later today.

So check in a few times today. I will be updating throughout the day as I get ready for the party. I'll take you step by step through the process up until the party starts.

This should be exciting.


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